Saturday, January 1, 2011

In 2011 and beyond...

Like many of you, I too have been contemplating on my personal aspirations for this new year.  Probably more than ever, I desire to design my "dream" life by taking ownership and responsibility for my life.  Too many of us have been told "what happens-happens", but I'm here to say or maybe reinforce--that we have the freedom and the ability to choose or design our life.  Many times resolutions have been limited to eliminating things from our lives.  As we walk into our local Barnes or Borders it's quite obvious by the 90 something percent of new years resolutions being targeted towards losing weight.  Starting this year, I want to rid myself of High Fructose Corn Syrup and fried meats--which are both not good for our health.  But, what if our focus was more on what we wanted to obtain rather than what we wanted to lose?  I'm deciding that I want to become more healthy, physically.  So, naturally I'm going to begin changing my habits of eating, drinking, sleeping and exercising.  This here just touches a little on only one area of our lives--the physical.

What do you want?  What are your aspirations?  Rather than just going on a diet, let's get more healthy.  Rather than just focusing on getting out of debt, let's choose to become wealthy.  Rather than doing things alone, let's choose to partner with God.

This year and beyond, let us begin creating our "dream" life!!

Happy New Year to you all,