Friday, September 24, 2010

" dreams awake."

A few months ago I read this wonderful book called The Dream Manager, written by Matthew Kelly.  The website of The Dream Manager describes the book as "a business parable about how companies can achieve extraordinary results by helping their employees fulfill their dreams."  The author then encourages every reader to take the time to jot down one hundred dreams.  Here below are one hundred of my dreams...

1. Minister with my wife.  2. Own a house with a wrap around porch and a beautifully landscaped yard.  3. Author many practical books that transform minds.  4. Help to lead family, friends and others into prosperous, victorious lives.  5. Inspire people to live their lives abundantly.  6. Encourage people to dream more, and help them reach their dreams.  7. Take a cross-country train trip with my wife.  8. Learn to play the piano and/or guitar.  9. Have family reunions, at least once a year.  10. Visit the homes of people like John G. Lake and Smith Wigglesworth.  11. See Billy Graham.  12. Have children.  13. Give each of my children a car when they turn sixteen.  14. Teach my children to value and manage money and also create lots of it.  15. Create a financial legacy for my children.  16. Help each of my children to buy a house of their own and not have to waste money renting.  17. Create inventions.  18. See the day when "cancer" is a disease of the past.  19. To become a millionaire.  20. Have multiple streams of passive income.  21. Travel the World.  22. Go to every State of the U.S. and every Continent of the World.  23. Own an iPad.  24. Own an iPhone.  25. Live for a long time.  26. Own a keyboard with piano keys.  27. Have my teeth whitened and straightened.  28. Learn about photography.  29. Own a classic car of the fifties.  30. Give my wife an art room.  31. Own multiple houses in different parts of the World.  32. Take a father/son trip with my Dad.  33. Attend a John C. Maxwell seminar.  34. Have an in-home library.  35. Have a home theater.  36. Meet and encourage U.S. Presidents and other World leaders.  37. Be a dream-encouraging father to my children.  38. Own a kayak.  39. See the Grand Canyon.  40. Go camping in Yellow Stone National Park.  41. Do my part in the eliminating of World poverty and transformation of the economy within families, neighborhoods, cities, and so forth.  42. Meet and get prayer from Charles and Frances Hunter.  43. Meet Benny Hinn.  44. See Oprah.  45. Visit where my grandmother lived in England and possibly purchase the home she lived in.  46. Give a copy of the books I like to family members.  47. Lead a value for life movement with my wife.  48. Experience the "restoration" of the Earth as the Bible talks about.  49. The ability to recognize the voice and presence of God in every area of my life.  50. See a limb of someones body grow back.  51. Go up in a hot air balloon.  52. Record a CD with my wife.  53. Visit the "7 wonders of the World".  54. See the largest waterfalls on the Earth.  55. Stay in some of the finest and most expensive hotels in the World.  56. Own cutting-edge clothes.  57. For unity, love and peace to come among the churches, races and nations.  58. Go see the Amazon Forest.  59. Buy a brand new BMW with cash.  60. Give thousands and thousands of dollars to worthy causes.  61. Learn Hebrew and Greek.  62. Spend a Summer in Europe.  63. Own a boat or yacht.  64. Raise someone from the dead(Christ in me, the hope of glory).  65. Take a safari in the jungles of Africa.  66. To create time and financial freedom.  67. Be completely debt-free.  68. Take frequent trips to major cities.  69. See family, anytime.  70. Go to a Mutemath concert.  71. Have fruit trees in the yard of our house.  72. Buy my wife a Mini Cooper.  73. The freedom and resources to purchase and enjoy quality clothes and jewelry.  74. Own beautiful and quality furniture.  75. Have a garden.  76. Own musical instruments and home decor from all over the World.  77. Go sailing.  78. Go horse back riding with my wife.  79. Have a workout room.  80. To be more in touch with the supernatural.  81. Own a beach house.  82. Own a river house.  83. Own a mountain house.  84. Own a pool table.  85. Have a very large VHS, DVD, Blue Ray movie collection.  86. Own and display World art masterpieces.  87. Have a pool.  88. Have a yearly tithe of $100,000.00.  89. For signs, wonders and miracles to be a natural part of my life.  90. To be even more free, friendly and outgoing.  91. To have the endorsements of people like Bill Johnson, John C. Maxwell and Robert Kiyosaki for the books that I will write.  92. Become a well studied and profitable financial investor.  93. Become a "Black Diamond" in the MonaVie business.  94. Hear Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump live.  95. See my friends and family living out their dreams.  96. Go to Tahiti and stay in one of those huts on the water.  97. Stay in the Plaza Hotel that was on the Home Alone movie.  98. Take a family vacation to New York during Thanksgiving.  99. Go to The Mall of America.  100. Inspire people everywhere that I go.

 As the late American author, poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau declares, "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."

I'd like to conclude this posting by encouraging you all to take some time for yourself and write out one hundred dreams. They can be small, big, or seemingly "impossible".  It may even take you sometime to complete the list, but push through it--you're worth it.  As for now I'd like your participation in sharing with me ten of those dreams--right here in the comment box.  I'm excited to hear from you!!